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Level 120
10 / 10 / 10
NP 5

Mana Loading: 10


Level 120
10 / 10 / 10
NP 5

Mana Loading: 10


Level 70
10 / 10 / 10
NP 1

Mana Loading: 1


Level 1
10 / X / X
NP 1

Mana Loading: 1

Koyanskaya of Light

Level 90
10 / 10 / 10
NP 1

Mana Loading:
Not Unlocked


Level 90
10 / 10 / 10
NP 1

Mana Loading: 10


Level 70
10 / 10 / 10
NP 1

Mana Loading: 1


Level 90
10 / 10 / 10
NP 1

Mana Loading: 1


Level 90
10 / 10 / 10
NP 1

Mana Loading:
Not Unlocked


Level 70
9 / 1 / 9
NP 1

Mana Loading:
Not Unlocked


Level 90
10 / 10 / 10
NP 1

Mana Loading:
Not Unlocked


Level 90
10 / 10 / 10
NP 1

Mana Loading: 9


Level 90
10 / 10 / 10
NP 2

Mana Loading:
Not Unlocked

Van Gogh

Level 90
10 / 10 / 10
NP 1

Mana Loading: 10

Miss Crane

Level 90
10 / 10 / 10
NP 1

Mana Loading:
Not Unlocked

Ashiya Douman

Level 90
9 / 9 / 10
NP 1

Mana Loading: 10


Level 90
9 / 9 / 9
NP 1

Mana Loading:
Not Unlocked

Sherlock Holmes

Level 90
9 / 10 / 9
NP 1

Mana Loading:
Not Unlocked

Nero (Bride)

Level 90
10 / 10 / 10
NP 1

Mana Loading:
Not Unlocked

Taigon Wang

Level 70
10 / 9 / 10
NP 1

Mana Loading:
Not Unlocked

Nightingale (Santa)

Level 80
9 / 10 / 9
NP 5

Mana Loading:
Not Unlocked

Nightingale (Santa)

Level 60
1 / 10 / 10
NP 1

Mana Loading:
Not Unlocked

Elisabeth Báthory

Level 40
9 / 9 / X
NP 1

Mana Loading:
Not Unlocked

Wu Zetian

Level 60
10 / 9 / 10
NP 1

Mana Loading:
Not Unlocked


Level 40
9 / 10 / X
NP 1

Mana Loading:
Not Unlocked

Calamity Jane

Level 60
1 / 9 / 9
NP 1

Mana Loading:
Not Unlocked


Level 60
1 / 10 / 10
NP 1

Mana Loading:
Not Unlocked


The Merciless One
Max-limit broken
Ox-Demon King
Max-limit broken
Holy Maiden's Teachings
Max-limit broken
Max-limit broken
The Black Grail
Max-limit broken
A Fragment Of 2030
Max-limit broken
Max-limit broken
Vessel of the Saint
Max-limit broken
Devilish Bodhisattva
Max-limit broken
500-Year Obsession
Max-limit broken
Prisma Cosmos
Max-limit broken